Our Footprint

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Our Impact


Every step we take

Every action has an impact on the environment. Here at Kari Traa, we’re determined to leave a lighter footprint with each new step we take. From responsibly sourcing the fibers to our products to reducing our greenhouse gasses emissions, we’re taking responsibility to work towards making our impact a positive one. Join us on a journey as we find ever smarter and more sustainable ways to continue creating the garments you love.


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Raw materials are the building blocks of our products. Some, however, better than others. We put a lot of effort into picking materials that check off multiple boxes - where they come from, how they perform, and how they impact planet and people.  



We're taking action to protect this planet we love so much, ensuring we can continue to enjoy it and that future generations are not denied that same pleasure. 


Animal Welfare

At Kari Traa, we do things differently. We care about animals, so when we do use animal-based materials, we make sure to source them from producers who can raise them with the greatest degree of kindness and respect. 



We believe in a better way, where quality meets responsibility. By choosing sustainability over shortcuts, we aim to make a positive impact at every step of the production process.


Why materials matter

Raw materials are the building blocks of our products. Some, however, better than others. We put a lot of effort into picking materials that check off multiple boxes - where they come from, how they perform, and how they impact planet and people.  


But that’s just the beginning. We’re always on the lookout for smarter ways to go easy on the environment during manufacturing. And we don’t stop there. By making sure your garments stand the test of time, you don’t just get quality; you’re making a choice that helps spare the resources otherwise needed to constantly create new, low-quality products. 

By weight, almost half of the materials we use are polyester. Polyester is a versatile and durable fabric known for its moisture-wicking properties, making it perfect for activewear and outerwear that needs to withstand the elements.  


We’re in the midst of a transition toward using more recycled polyester, which has a smaller environmental impact compared to virgin polyester. Currently, 46% of our polyester is recycled, GRC-certified and we’re determined to reach our goal of 80% by 2030.  


Wool is our next most commonly used fiber, making up about one-third of the fibers we use in our products. And we absolutely love merino wool. It’s a natural, biodegradable fiber that we source responsibly from IWTO-certified sources. 


While polyester and wool make up the bulk share of our materials, we’ve got a few others in the mix too. We use cotton, for example, that is primarily OEKO-TEX®-100 certified 65%, as well as Tencel™ fibers derived from wood pulp sourced from sustainably managed forests. 


We also use some Polyamide, also known as nylon, for its remarkable strength and durability. 

Globally, nylon recycling has not come as far as polyester. At this point we are using recycled nylon in 7% of our product line, but we are aiming to increase the percentage.  


Our pledge to the planet 

Greenhouse gas emissions continue to contribute to climate change, but it's still believed to be within humanity’s power to limit global temperature rise to 1.5°C. At Kari Traa, we're not blind to the role we play. Whether it's at the farm level, during manufacturing, at our offices and retail stores, or the transportation in-between, producing our garments has consequences. But we're not just going to wait to see what those consequences are. We're taking action to protect this planet we love so much, ensuring we can continue to enjoy it and that future generations are not denied that same pleasure.


Guided by the Science Based Targets initiative, we’ve done our homework and identified our biggest emitters of CO2. Today, 63% of our emissions are coming from the raw material production process, while 32% come from material and product manufacturing. We have pledged to achieve net-zero greenhouse gas emissions across our value chain by 2050. 


It’s our ambition to reach net-zero in our own operations by 2025 at the latest, and slash greenhouse gas emissions per product by 60% before 2030. We know that an emissions-free textile industry might be a stretch for some time, but already we are witnessing a drop caused by increased solar energy adoption among our suppliers. Thus, following the Science Based Target initiative’s methodology, we remain optimistic and committed to cutting at least 90% of our emissions before we claim that net-zero status. It’s all about making meaningful change, one step at a time. 

Our journey toward a smaller environmental footprint primarily centers on the materials we use. This is where we’re channeling our greatest efforts to make a positive impact. Here are the key steps we’re taking:


  1. Shifting to low-impact raw materials, such as recycled and regenerative options.


  2. Phasing out coal in our material manufacturing processes and partnering with our suppliers to embrace clean energy sources.


  3. Collaborating closely with suppliers, experts, and like-minded companies to promote the adoption of renewable energy and enhance energy efficiency within our supply chain.


  4. Exploring innovative business models that prioritize creating high-quality products designed to endure the test of time, catering to both physical durability and emotional longevity, allowing for multiple owners to cherish the same item. 


With 99% of our emissions originating outside of our direct control, we heavily rely on our business partners to drive the changes and enhancements needed to meet our climate goals. Collaboration with our key business partners is crucial as it empowers us to tackle challenges head-on, challenge the status quo, and learn together.  


We also recognize the value of teaming up with like-minded companies. In 2021, we became part of the Scandinavian Textile Initiative for Climate Action (STICA), a network comprising over 50 members from the textile industry, through our parent company Active Brands. Within STICA, we pool our knowledge, provide mutual support, and craft collective strategies to engage with our suppliers and work toward our shared goal of curbing global warming. The network’s overarching aim is to align the textile industry with a 1.5°C pathway, and we’re wholeheartedly committed to working alongside our peers and partners to make this goal a reality.


Animal welfare: from fiber to finish 

Many garments are made using animal products, but sadly the animals don’t always receive the same dignified treatment during their lifetimes. At Kari Traa, we do things differently. We care about animals, so when we do use animal-based materials, we make sure to source them from producers that can raise them with the greatest degree of kindness and respect.


Millions of animals suffer for fashion every year, and that’s just unacceptable to us - especially when there are so many alternatives that do the job just as well. You’ll never find real fur in a Kari Traa product; faux fur suits us just fine. When it comes to materials like wool and down, we choose them because they truly outshine synthetic options with their performance characteristics. Plus, they’re natural, renewable, and biodegradable. Of course, we make sure the animals have the best possible living conditions first by always using market-leading certified suppliers.


We take ensuring animal welfare seriously. While we find that using down in our outerwear jackets and mid layers provides unparalleled insulation and lightness, this down does come from ducks and geese. All our down is Responsible Down Standard certified. This guarantees that it never comes from live animals and is sourced as a byproduct of the food industry. The certification also ensures that the five freedoms, as stated by the World Organization for Animal Health, are upheld.




They are: 

  1. Freedom from hunger, thirst, and malnutrition: Providing access to fresh water and a diet that maintains health.


  2. Freedom from discomfort: Offering a proper environment, including shelter and a comfortable resting area.


  3. Freedom from pain, injury, and disease: Preventing, diagnosing, and treating health issues.


  4. Freedom to express normal behavior: Supplying enough space, suitable facilities, and the company of their own kind.


  5. Freedom from fear and distress: Ensuring conditions and treatment that prevent mental suffering.


With a founder who has deep roots in sheep farming herself, we genuinely care for these animals. All our wool holds IWTO certificates to guarantee traceability. To achieve that super soft, non-itch feel in our wool products, we source our wool from the finest merino sheep in New Zealand and Australia. To ensure their welfare, we exclusively procure wool from the more rigorously controlled sources on an international scale. We’ve taken a firm stance against mulesing and believe that this practice will soon be relegated to history. We ensure that all wool are sourced from non-mulesed sheeps.


Cutting back on chemicals

Many of the common processes and treatments in the textile industry pose risks - not just to the environment but also to consumers, factory workers, and communities exposed to hazardous chemicals. We’re committed to rewriting this narrative. We believe in a better way, where quality meets responsibility. By choosing sustainability over shortcuts, we aim to make a positive impact at every step of the production process.


We have strict standards across the board. Here’s how we do it:


  • We don’t go it alone. Our suppliers are a crucial part of our team, and they have to follow the rules too. We have a detailed chemical agreement that they’re required to adhere to. This agreement includes international and national chemical regulations, such as REACH (the European Chemical Regulation), the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants, The California Safe Drinking Water and Toxic Enforcement Act, the Biocidal Product Regulation, and The California Safer Clothes and Textile Act.


  • We’ve also got a no-go list that we call our Restricted Substances List (RSL). This list is like our rulebook, and it outlines all the substances that aren’t welcome in our products. All our suppliers must agree to follow this list, ensuring our products are clean and safe for you.


We are a proud partner of the bluesign® system. As bluesign® system partners, we are dedicated members of the textile value chain committed to adopting and implementing the bluesign® system. Our mission is to continuously enhance our environmental performance, focusing on a sustainable and responsible future.


By adhering to the bluesign® system, we join forces with the entire textile supply chain to collectively minimize our impact on both people and the environment. The Input Stream Management protocol ensures that every step of our manufacturing process uses bluesign® approved chemical products and raw materials. This proactive approach eliminates substances that could pose risks to people and the environment right from the start.


Moreover, on-site inspections play a crucial role in verifying the correct application of these chemical products and raw materials within controlled processes. These inspections also ensure the responsible use of resources, reinforcing our commitment to sustainability.


For materials currently without these certifications, we still take extra precautions. Here’s how it works:


  1. Higher-risk materials:

    if a material doesn’t have a certification or something similar, we consider it higher risk.


  2. Chemical testing cycle:

    we’ve set up a 24-month testing cycle. In this cycle, we regularly test all our material and product categories for hazardous chemicals. The testing is based on factors like the content, risk and supplier. 


    The goal is to keep a close watch on these higher-risk materials and ensure they consistently meet our standards.


Back in 2013, we decided to transitioning away from hazardous per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS, also referred to as PFC) long before most others in the industry. PFAS are still often found in so-called Dirt and Water Resistance (DWR) treatments and waterproof membranes. To maintain top-notch water-repellent properties, we have instead turned to the PFAS-free finishes, ensuring high performance without compromising the environment. Today 100% of our products are with PFAS-free DWR.



For over a decade, we’ve also banned the use of antibacterial treatments in our products. These substances, often used for anti-odor purposes, have no place in our commitment to health and sustainability.



Maintaining these strict standards doesn’t just benefit the environment, but ensures the wellbeing of our weavers, workers and consumers. After all, healthy living and a clean environment go hand in hand. 




Our Impact


Our Impact

At Kari Traa, we talk a lot about ‘impact’. But what does this mean, and how can we be sure that it’s not just full of empty words? For starters, we see an impact as having at least two sides. 

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Our Impact



We’re determined to prolong the life of our products, ensuring they continue to be part of the adventure for as long as possible. But we’re not doing it alone; it’s you, our incredible community, who play a vital role in this mission.

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Our Impact



We actively work to ensure the Kari Traa community – from those working at the factories producing our products to those wearing them on mountain tops and everyone in between – feels safe, supported and equipped to live their best lives in the outdoors. 

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